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Reach Your Full Potential & Achieve Your Goals


Long Term

Athletic Development



•    Kevin Barr brings 25 years of MLB athletic-development experience powered by Microgate USA technology to create
   a systemic approach to long-term, athletic-development for athletes of all ages.
•    Developing athleticism & speed should be primary goal for all athletes in every sport.  
•    With any sport-skill being equal between two players, the faster & more athletic player will always have higher ceiling

   at upper-levels as game speeds up.  
•    Athletes require strong movement-foundation. Athletes should not build skyscraper on unstable foundation & should

   not build speed, agility, & power on unstable body.  
•    All athletes need comprehensive physical-assessment to gather objective data to ID current athleticism-development

   level to build safe & effective long-term, athletic development program.


Goals of True Speed and Agility

Provide athletes, parents, & coaches education and targeted programming that will help each athlete, regardless of gender, age, ability-level, or sport, to achieve the following:

•    Improve self-esteem, confidence, & belief in self, which carries over to aspect of life  
•    Improve athleticism & quality of movement
•    Minimize chance & severity of injury
•    Enhance true speed & agility 
•    Increase strength & power
•    Develop work capacity & durability
•    Facilitate recovery


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True Speed & Agility's ability to provide accurate guidance depends a great deal on the information you provide. We are not responsible for any errors or mistakes that could potentially materially change the results of our recommendations, especially when the information provided by the user is not accurate. While True Speed & Agility designs a training plan that caters to your unique needs, it is important that before you make any significant changes to your activity, you consult your personal physician. By using this platform and following the recommendations provided the athlete acknowledges that they are aware of, understand, and accept the responsibility of the outcome of doing the physical activity which could potentially involve the risk of sickness, injury or even death. True Speed & Agility's services are provided as recommendations for player development, however several factors must be considered before initiating any training program. Those factors include, but are not limited to, the conditions and safety of their environment, the users current level of well-being, level of fatigue, level of physical fitness, and personal ability to complete the exercises. Ultimately the final decision to complete the recommended training program lies solely on the athlete (and/or their parent/guardian if under 18 years of age). The athlete should know, and train within their limits. True Speed & Agility, it’s online and in-person coaches, employees, officers, directors and assigns are in no way liable for any accident or injury that may result from the athlete working the recommended training program.  By using the Services, you expressly waive and release any and all claims, now known or hereafter known in any jurisdiction throughout the world, against the Provider, their affiliates, organizations or associations that promote or require use of the Services, their sponsors, and their subject master experts and their officers, directors, managers employees, agents, representatives, affiliates, shareholders, members, successors and assigns (collectively, "Releasees"), on account of loss of playing time, injury, death or property damage arising out of or attributable to my use of the Services or in sports activities generally, whether arising out of the negligence of the Provider or any Releasees or otherwise. You covenant not to make or bring any such claim against the Provider or any other Releasee, and forever release and discharge the Provider and all other Releasees from liability under such claims. You hereby represent that you have full power and all requisite authority to execute this Agreement and the release of liability contained herein, and that you have not in any way assigned or otherwise transferred the claims released under the terms of this Agreement.

© Copyright 2021 True Speed & Agility. All rights reserved.

May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent.

"True Speed & Agility" is a trademark of Kevin Barr.



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